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Intimate network of industry leaders working together to create change and drive impact.



Intimate network of industry
leaders working together to
create change and drive impact.


Join an intimate network of change agents who are on the front lines with diversity-related work and in a position to influence change within their organization. This facilitated safe space allows you to learn from and share openly with others who are navigating similar challenges, and in HR, recruiting, and DEI-related roles. Cohorts are a place for support, not soliciting service or business.


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Intimate Cohorts

Colorful Connections‘ Equity Cohorts are a dynamic network of change agents on the front lines with diversity-related work and in a position to influence change within their organization. Program participants are matched with intimate cohorts for support with DEI goals and facilitated safe spaces to learn from and share openly with others who are navigating similar challenges in HR, recruiting, and DEI-related roles.

Meet +/or Connect Online

Members gather with individual cohorts during monthly meetings, and can connect and collaborate asynchronously through our Learning & Collaboration Hub. Members-only spaces allow you to learn with, from, and alongside others, and exchange insights and best practices. In addition to all-member spaces, individual groups receive private spaces to coordinate meet-ups, get real-time help from peers, exchange notes, share wins, and more!

Learn With + From Peers

Equity Cohorts are available exclusively as annual memberships, reflecting our commitment to nurturing a safe space for grappling with complex issues. Open and candid dialogue, along with the freedom to ask vulnerable questions, is paramount. Building relationships to foster familiarity and trust is essential, and this process naturally unfolds over time.

Highlights of Benefits

  • Confidential, safe space discussions

  • Peer support for IDEA-related issues

  • Accountability system

  • Leaders sharing insights

  • Exposure to diverse perspectives

  • Practice inclusive leadership skills

  • Learning & Collaboration Hub access

Choose from 2 flexible plan options

Monthly Membership


Convenient payment option!
  • Flexible monthly payment options for annual membership

Annual Membership


Receive 2 Months Free!
  • Enjoy savings when you pay upfront (Full Price: $359.99/year)
  • Returning members receive extra 23% discount for joining in 2023 and stepping forward as our pioneering members!

Interested but have questions before signing up? Share your information here, and we'll reach out!

Colorful Connections partners with leaders to:
  • ATTRACT and RETAIN diverse teams,
  • GROW inclusive cultures, and
  • SUSTAIN momentum with intentional support.

Contact Us! 

Have questions? Want to learn more? We are here to help, and looking forward to speaking with you!